Historical Perspectives
Providing History-based Programs, Historical Research & Consulting Services to Individuals, Libraries, & Small Organizations
Marion, Iowa 52302
Exhibit Development on a Budget
Do these scenes look a bit too familiar?
Do the displays in your museum have a similar tired, out-dated appearance? Wish you could do more with your collections but don't know where to start? Today's visitors want to see exhibits that tell stories to which they can relate, not just shelves or cases filled with donated items. For many small organizations, however, creating such exhibits can seem overwhelming. That's where we come in. Historical Perspectives can help you create interesting and engaging exhibits even on a very limited budget while making the most of your available space. We can also advise you on ways to improve your visitor's overall experience.
Is your organization is responsible for an historic site?
Working within the confines of a house, church, storefront, or other historic structure can pose special challenges to managing space and staging exhibits. We can help you design displays that work with your space to tell its story, or any story you choose. Historical Perspectives can also work with you to create programs that take full advantage of your unique setting, complement your exhibits, target specific audiences, or celebrate special events. We have experience designing programs tailored to children as well as adults.
Let us help your organization breathe new life into your stories. Contact Historical Perspectives today.

When was the last time you updated your displays? Grouping similar items (above) is no better than putting huge quanities of artifacts on parade around the room (below) if there is no story.

Above: Mannequins bring Christmas dinner to life at the Granger House Museum in Marion, Iowa